Cruise - Florida Georgia Line, is my favourite video because:
- Quirky and happy music.
- I relate this to when i go on holiday because we tend to go to Florida a lot and this country rock music is all we listen to.
- The blue skies, sunlight and intense heat all make you feel like you're there and like you want to be somewhere like that.
Music Genre Conventions
Rap videos tend to contain lots of gesturing and shots of the actual artist rapping, as this shows the skill of what they are doing, showing off their talent to the audience of the music video.Classical:
Calssical music tends to involve a lot of instrument use and shots of the insruments being used or played in a certain way, due to the high use of classical and 'rich' instruments usually involved in this genre of music.Pop:
Pop tend to have a fair amount of everyday things happening that tell a story or portray different lifestyles, as this is easy for the audience to relate to and enjoy seeing because it is something they do, therefore they can reference what they are seeing with themselves. They also tend to be set in fairly rich areas with lots of slow motion images of good looking people walking around or of them having fun.Dance:
Always seem to involve goo-looking people doing synchronised dances with little clothes on.Soul:
Always fairly old fashioned and smart with people wearing suite and singing alone on a dark stage.Indie:
Have a lot of shots of the band, usually fairly quirky music with old fashioned settings.Electronic:
Lots of strobe lighting effects and chaotic editing with people dressed up and dancing around in front of a colourful and extreme background or in a chaotic setting.
Beautiful –
Snoop Dogg feat. Pharrell
Lighting: The lighting in this shot is
fairly bright and highlights the weather being nice.
Props: The bike shows the wealth of the
area due to the fact that the bike is fairly ‘cool’ in modern day society and
fairly expensive-looking.
Costume: The boy is dressed very
casually and the fact that he has his top off shows the culture of the area and
also the climate that they are used to living in. The climate is fairly hot and
the fact that the setting is a coastal area portrays the rich environment and
expensive area.
Lighting: Again, the lighting is quite
bright and it’s obviously a sunny day, which usually indicates a fairly
expensive and nice area.
Props: The sunglasses, the expensive-looking
watches and the necklaces that Snoop Dogg is wearing highlight the genre of
music which conventionally looks at everyday life and is usually set in fairly
rich and unique places.
Costume: The costume that both people
are wearing is fairly basic and casual-looking (typical middle-class
Setting: In this shot, it is hard to tell much about the setting.

Props: There aren’t any props in this
Costume: The ma’s costume is fairly exaggerated and
unusual. He is wearing a white glove, a cowboy hat and what looks to be a
fairly smart red jacket, pointing out that this video may be fairly comical or
strange due to the unconventional costume.
Setting: Set in a church which is usually a quiet
and peaceful place, yet in this shit, there is a strange sort of fancy dress
party happening.
Lighting: The lighting in this picture
is fairly light, which highlights the white made-up faces of many of the people
shown in the image. Also, the brightness symbolises the casual and party mood,
fitting in with the story of the music video.
Props: There are a lot of props in this
video but the key one has to be the cane that the main man in red is holding,
which he uses for a lot of threatening gestures and in order to exaggerate his
movements to the audience.
Costume: Costume is a big thing in this
shot as it is the main component of this shot and the music video in general,
due to the exotic outfits and unusual clothing that people are wearing.