Friday, 21 June 2013

General Conventions of a Music Promo

Camera Work

  •  Close-ups of instruments/peformers.
  • Shots to show that the band can perform by cloe-ups of them singing or playing instruments, highlighting their skills (musicianship).
  • Movement creates interest
  • Lots of different perspective shots, showing the audience as well as showing the band.
  • Performance to the camera, selling the idea of going to gigs and seeing the bands perform live.


  •  Often strong link to the lyrics in the narrative of the video.
  • Bands are more performance based (Live gigs) whereas solo artists are more likely to have glamorous videos.
  • Narrative of video leads to repeatability, people want to watch it more than once.
  • Narratives are often quite complicated meaning that repetitive viewing of it means you may see something different every time, making it memorable.
  • Intertextual references to add interest and make the audience feel like they are 'in the know', therefore they understand the story/concept whereas some people may not.
  • Don't use traditional narrative so therefore there is not necessarily as start, middle or an end.
  • Some artists create concept albums where each song in the album adds up to create a story and paint a picture for the audience.

Editing/Editing Effects

  • Cuts between shots, sticking to the beat of the song, giving fluency, pace and interest.
  • Genre of the song dictates the pace of the editing, e.g heavy metal - chaotic pacing.
  • Clever special and visual editing effects very common in modern music promos.
  • Use of green screen, making videos cheaper to produce due to no need for location filming.

Mise en scene

  • Instruments (Mimed) showing that they're credible performers and gives sense of realism.
  • Location tends to match the lyrics and genre of music.
  • Stereotypical representations of setting.
  • Costumes link to genre (Pop = Glamorous, Indie = Run-down and casual)  
  • High key lighting, lots of unnatural lighting for effect and highlighting key performers and scenes.

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